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Our clinic has started a new website with lots of information on types of pain and treatments.

Our internationally recognized pain management team stays current with the latest advancements in science with proven safe and reliable procedures, thereby achieving excellent results for our patients.

We provide personalized pain relief, improve the quality of life for our patients, and help them regain a normal quality of life as soon as possible.

Members of our Multimodal Pain Working Group include experienced pain management physicians, neurosurgeons, interventional radiologists, osteopathic doctors, psychologists, physiotherapists and manual therapists. Our working group convenes regularly to discuss complex cases.

In our clinic, we provide pain education for specialists.



Forms to fill out

Research studies

Price list

Findings sharing


The more complex cases are discussed biweekly at a multidisciplinary pain meeting.
The members of the group include:
Anesthesiologist pain management specialists: Dr. Ágnes Stogicza, Dr. Edit Rácz, Dr. Balázs Bartos, Dr. Kristóf Rácz
Neurosurgeon: Dr. László Entz 
Manual therapist, physiotherapist: Anikó Grégerné Demeter, Gyula Szigetvári
Psychologist: Katalin Asztalos

How to prepare for procedures?

Please read below important information carefully so we can provide safe care.

  • Please come in comfortable clothing.
  • If sedation (anesthesia) is used, you must leave with an escort.
  • Bring your imaging studies (MRI, CT, X-Ray) with you.
  • If you become ill or develop a fever before the procedure, please notify our clinic, as we may have to postpone the procedure.

IF YOU ARE TAKING ANY BLOOD THINNERS, PLEASE INFORM YOUR DOCTOR! – consult with your doctor about the use of medications before the procedure.

Most procedures are performed under sedation (anesthesia), therefore please follow the instructions below.


  • For procedures scheduled prior to 2 pm: Do NOT eat anything after midnight of the day before.
  • For procedures scheduled after 2pm: You may have a light breakfast prior to 8 am on the day of the procedure.
  • Drinking clear liquids* is acceptable up to 2 hours prior to procedure.

*Acceptable Clear liquids up to 2 hours prior to procedure: Water, Black Coffee, Black Tea.  (NO MILK PRODUCTS, SUGAR OR LEMON ALLOWED)

Unacceptable Clear liquids: Coffee or tea with milk products, sugar, orange juice, or alcohol.

If you have any of the following factors, we may extend the above times:

  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux
  • History of a Difficult Airway
  • Opioid Use

Thank you for your cooperation!

Book an appointment

Request an appointment online or call Mihály Kellner at +36 70 433 9810.

Online appointment request

Forms to fill out

Patient form

Research studies

Shoulder joint pain

Radiofrequency ablation of the small nerves shoulder 

Denervation of the shoulder joint (termination of its innervation) can cause relief in cases where surgery is not recommended for the patient. A clinical trial is currently underway at the PSI Pain Clinic in collaboration with the University of Toronto and the Albert Einstein University of Sao Paolo to measure the effectiveness of the intervention.

They participate in the research

Our prices

You can find our detailed price list at the link below. Please contact us if you do.

Price list

Sharing findings

Share your findings with us online or by e-mail at

Alternative sharing options
Google drive / Dropbox / Wetransfer