Grégerné Demeter Anikó has over 25 years of professional experience. She worked at the Department of Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, National Institute of Medical Rehabilitation from 1997 to 2022. Her main area is the treatment of traumatic injury and orthopedic conditions. She has extensive experience with patients who have suffered multiple injuries, spinal injuries, as well as trauma cases with neurological complications (peripheral paralysis, Sudeck’s atrophy/CRPS), and in the rehabilitation after hip, knee, and shoulder joint endoprosthesis surgery. For several years, she participated in the practical training of physiotherapy students, state examinations, and the training of occupational therapists. She earned her degree in Human Kinesiology from Semmelweis University in 2001, and in Manual Therapy from Semmelweis University in 2017. Since 2017, she has been closely working with the doctors at PSI Pain Clinic, Dr. Edit Rácz and Dr. Ágnes Stogicza, in treating patients with chronic pain.
She uses evidence-based examination and treatment methods in physiotherapy. The foundation of her treatment is a detailed movement analysis, during which she maps out active and passive joint movements, supplemented by a detailed examination of muscles, neurological tests, analysis of fascia relations, and fascia chains (body reading). With a holistic approach, she seeks the source of the patient’s complaints. In choosing and combining therapies, her goal is to initiate a positive change that, through a series of treatments and the patient’s active work practicing specific tasks, reduces the patients’ pain and leads to the resolution or significant reduction of their complaints.
Motivation: The continuous advancement of science offers countless opportunities to learn new methods, with the knowledge and application of which her goal is to ease the daily lives of patients, teach them to transform their everyday habits, and build a health-conscious lifestyle with less pain.
- English
- Hungarian
- 1996-97 Manual lymph drainage and compression therapy
- 1997 McKenzie A, McKenzie B (2009)
- 1999 International Child Rescue Service therapeutic riding course
- 2005 Peripheral nerve mobilization course
- 2010 Spine Art 3D Scoliosis course
- 2015 Trigger and Tender Point therapy
- 2016-17 Diagnosis and therapy of manual therapy
- 2019 Pain physiology course
- 2019 Kinesio-tape beginner, advanced
- 2019 Examination and treatment of cervical spine segmental instability
- 2020 FDM distortion model (I-III)
- 2021 Manual therapy according to the Mulligan Concept
- 2021 Functional training in therapy and sports rehabilitation
- 2022 Anatomy Trains foundation course
- 2022 Body reading course
- 2023 Ergon IASTM technique course beginner-advanced
Study trips
2001 Sweden Hope Exchange Program
- 1998 Hungarian Rehabilitation Society Young People’s Forum, 2nd place
- 2002 Szentgotthard Rehabilitation Meeting “Delayed rehabilitation “
- 2003 XV. International Interbor Prosthetic and Orthotic Congress (in English) “The role of the Myoboy computer program for upper limb amputees”
- 1999-2000 ETI Occupational Therapist training in physiotherapy and physical therapy
- 2002-04 Physical education teaching at Budakeszi Prohászka Ottokár Primary School and High School
- 2016-17 ÁEEK Occupational Therapist training in physiotherapy and physical therapy
Professional experience
- 1998 LBT ORFIT consultant for thermoplastic orthoses
- 2006-17 MEOSZ Osteoporosis club
- 2009-17 Home care
- 1997-2022 National Institute of Medical Rehabilitation Orthopedic-traumatology Rehabilitation department
- 2017-2024 Physiomed clinic